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jueves, 8 de marzo de 2007

Cambios en Blogs del dia 8 de Marzo

Antona Fotografías

Desheredados March 7, 2007 9:24 PM +0100 - Antona:Nunca olvidemos a los desheredados.A los sin techo.Detras de cada uno de ellos hay una persona,con una triste historia. BLOG PERSONAL DE FOTOGRAFIA... Ver mas

Arqueología. Desenterrando la verdad

Arenas del Tiempo. Egipto en la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana March 7, 2007 4:20 PM -0600 - Gerardo P. Taber:Esta todo el mundo cordialmente invitado al evento cultural “Egipto: Arenas del tiempo” que se llevara a cabo del 12 al 16 de Marzo del 2007 en la UAM campus Azcapotzalco. Se realizarán muchas actividades interesantes como la exposición fotográfica... Ver mas

La Casa del Asterión

Anais Nin March 7, 2007 5:00 PM -0600 - ..lau..:Isabel Allende fué eliminada de la lista original y sustituída por unos cuentos eróticos de Anais Nin. Ya tenemos la novela aquí HOY clases de baile..... Ver mas

Amor Chilango

Guía Roji "inteligente", ¡al fin! March 8, 2007 8:01 AM -0600 - Plaqueta:Cuidado: ciudadano desubicado. (Imagen: Plaqueta) ¿Perdidón en la ciudad más grande del mundo? No te agobies: enchúfate a la nueva Guía Roji y encuéntrate a ti mismo (en las calles). La versión gratuita de la página de la Guía Roji es una pesadilla. Y la... Ver mas

Mujer chilanga en su mero día March 8, 2007 7:59 AM -0600 - Plaqueta:Qué linda la simbología de los baños. (foto Gabriel Rodríguez) No te extrañe que el taxista te diga "felicidades reynita". Y probablemente no lo diga por tus hermosas piernas, sino que seguramente se refiere al Día Internacional de la Mujer, que en muchos... Ver mas

¡Todos a caminar! March 7, 2007 6:53 PM -0600 - Issie:“Precaución gente caminando” será el titulo de los señalamientos sobre Reforma, si se aprueba esta iniciativa . Andar andar, zapatitos qué reventar. ¿Te imaginas el Paseo de la Reforma convertido en un gran andador peatonal? Seguramente creíste que fue el... Ver mas

Van 795 y contando... March 7, 2007 6:52 PM -0600 - Issie:Casi 49 autos mal estacionados se retiran a diario en la Condesa. El motivo: vecinos Molestos. Helados. Hasta afuera del Roxy se estacionan en zon peatonal y rampa de discapacitados. Desde que inició el 15 de febrero, el operativo de grúas "Condesa" ha... Ver mas

¡Big Bada Boom! March 7, 2007 5:06 PM -0600 - Xun:Encuentros cercanos con la narrativa gráfica en la Ibero. El chofer del micro parece determinado a que las páginas no pasen, aún así, tu esfuerzo heroico rinde frutos. Es sólo un pedazo de papel con dibujitos y algunas letras, pero de pronto, te ha... Ver mas

El chancho... ¿dónde habrá ido a parar? March 7, 2007 5:05 PM -0600 - Plaqueta:¡Conciertazo el de Roger Waters! Hubo, según la mejor tradición floydera, puerco volador. Y lo soltaron, ¿dónde andará ahora? Si estuviste ahí, no hace falta que te digamos nada. Pero si no, sufre: ¡supremo, apoteósico, magnífico! Momentos cumbre: -Wish... Ver mas

¡Alto! Niñas mal en San Jerónimo March 7, 2007 5:02 PM -0600 - Plaqueta:Así mal que digas mal, no están. Advertencia vial: si pensabas pasar por San Jerónimo alrededor de las 20 hrs., ni lo intentes. ¡Aguas! (y no, nos referimos a Rogelio, que por cierto también va a causar un desastre vial alrededor del Foro Sol y el Palacio... Ver mas

Guía para detractores de García Márquez March 7, 2007 5:02 PM -0600 - Plaqueta:Gabo cumple 80 años y todos festejan. Si no eres de su club de fans, ármate bien en su contra. Seguro ya viste su foto en la prensa, su voz en el radio, su choro en la tele. ¡Está por todos lados... y a ti te choca! Si sufriste con Cien años de soledad en... Ver mas

La cita perfecta March 7, 2007 4:47 PM -0600 - Xun:"Fue muy duro lo que pasó, y sé que hay muchas personas que apenas están saliendo de la depresión" López Obrador, oye Lucas... Ver mas

Chin, ¿quién era Baudrillard? March 7, 2007 4:18 PM -0600 - Plaqueta:¡Oh no! Se murió Baudrillard y tú no sabes quién era. Aquí una guía exprés para que te actualices en un tris. Qué ocurrencias las de este hombre, ¡morirse sin que tú lo hubieras leído! Tapa al huequito cultural rápidamente, no sea que surja alguna plática... Ver mas

conejita de indias

DICHOS QUE DICEN March 8, 2007 6:51 AM -0800 - Bridget Jo:Quien me conoce sabrá que como una auténtica tía abuela, lleno mis discurso de dichos ¡oh si! gran sabiduría popular. Y en estos momentos, ese de “por una puerta que se cierra, se abren tres”, me queda como anillo al dedo. Digamos que después del... Ver mas

De Bohemia

Ajo jojojojo... March 7, 2007 8:11 PM +0100 - Bohemia:Solo quien ha comido ajo puede darnos una palabra de aliento... Ver mas

escena skene

el corrido porno March 8, 2007 4:11 AM -0600 - skene:carajo! cuantas ganas de ir al pendulo, tomar malteda de vainilla, comer botana de juguete, y cantar, cantar, cantar y reir y reir con esas reynas. [ para luego salir a correr por reforma, ah! y si llueve mejor :P ] pd.- si usted lector no ha esuchado el... Ver mas

Reflexiones de un Hijo del Pop

De la 4... March 7, 2007 8:41 PM -0600 - David Moreno:Seven Readers!!! So…es ya muy tarde y les dejo la reseña prometida para mañana. Así que vamos a la número 4 de nuestra lista….y esta es… Who’s Crying Now de Journey … 1981 fue el año en el que vio la luz un disco enorme en todos los sentidos: Escape . La... Ver mas

La Hoguera de las Necedades

Un día como hoy en La Hoguera... March 8, 2007 2:25 AM -0600 - Alberto:Hace tres años, aparecía el primer post escrito para este blog. Hace un año, Mauricio nos daba un práctico tip para limpiar nuestro escritorio y mantenerlo despejado.... Ver mas

Aquí nomás: ¡Echándola!

Bitácora de un naco en Madrid III March 8, 2007 3:05 AM -0800 - Marioman:Marmota en museo Museo de la Reina Sofía, entrada 3€ con descuento a estudiantes, ¡de algo sirvió resellar mi credencial! Chuck Close desde 1968 viene creando impactantes retratos de gran tamaño basados en fotografías frontales de los rostros de las... Ver mas

Tras el sueño que no me deja dormir - El Blog de Miguel Rodriguez

Up Late With Stewie & Brian March 7, 2007 12:37 PM -0500 - Miguel:Definitivamente una de mis cómicas preferida, después de Los Simpson obviamente.... Ver mas

Inclinación March 7, 2007 12:29 PM -0500 - Miguel:Mujer : ¿Por qué no usas la contraseña para leer la revista online? Gil Grissom : "Cuando lees una pantalla te inclinas hacia adelante. Yo me inclino hacia atrás. Por eso prefiero la copia en papel." Visto en un episodio ramdom de C.S.I... Ver mas

Pegado en la pared

Mas Efectos!!! March 7, 2007 8:37 PM -0600 - geekgangster:Efectos Secundarios tiene las siguientes nominaciones a las Diosas de Plata: Mejor Película Mejor Director (Issa López) Mejor Actriz (Marina de Tavira) Mejor Coactuación Femenina (Alejandra Gollás) Mejor Coactuación Masculina (Arturo Barba) Actor... Ver mas

Instrucciones Para Cumplir 30 March 7, 2007 8:37 PM -0600 - geekgangster:Saludos a todos Desde que el año pasado oi sobre la pelicula mexicana "Efectos Secundarios" , en la cual la trama gira en como un grupo de amigos desde la secundaria lidia con algunos de los temas de los que hoy somos treintañeros Entre las coincidencias... Ver mas

Festival del Centro Historico de la Ciudad de Mexico March 7, 2007 8:33 PM -0600 - geekgangster:Del 15 al 31 de Marzo se realizara el Festival del Centro Historico de la Ciudad de Mexico, el motivo de este post es para que sepamos a donde pasar un buen rato entre los eventos. Lo principal es llegar temprano a la zona del centro y el metro es la... Ver mas

Lo ultimo en equipos moviles March 7, 2007 8:32 PM -0600 - geekgangster:Samsung Electronics, uno de los mayores proveedores de soluciones de telecomunicaciones del mundo, muestra por primera vez en el continente su propuesta de tecnología y servicios móviles WiMAX aprovechando la celebración del 3GSM en Barcelona. Gracias a... Ver mas

Cambio de Look March 7, 2007 8:13 PM -0600 - geekgangster:Desde hace un tiempo habia querido hacerle un cambio a mi blog. Y aqui esta Entre lo que cambie: Ahora son 3 columnas: Una con los botones y chuches que he ido juntando.. y que espero segur añadiendo La de enmedio con el contenido del Blog y la Tira... Ver mas

Pongamos las cosas en Papel March 7, 2007 5:52 PM -0600 - geekgangster:Para aquellos que visiten este Blog y sean afectos a escribir ya sea de forma profesional o por mero animo de practica. Encontre este software gratuito para aquellos que desean una herramienta para escribir, comics, cortos o largos de cine e incluso... Ver mas

A mi NO me engañan!! March 7, 2007 5:12 PM -0600 - geekgangster:Sony presento hace unas semanas su nuevos productos de la linea walkman, ahora estos son unidades de almacenamiento de archivos MP3, en lugar de casetes o CD's. La Linea NW-S200 Entre las caracteristicas principales de los equipos estan: Funciones... Ver mas

pieces of sh*t

Hoy es el día March 7, 2007 3:12 PM -0600 - phoedra:Desde hace muuucho tiempo estuve esperando este día: miércoles 7 de marzo. Pero ayer me enteré de que los Kings of Convenience cancelaron el primer concierto, a mi ni me afecta porque no ia a ir, pero ahhhh!!!! Será hoooy el que iba a ser ayer. Qué... Ver mas


THE ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN... March 7, 2007 9:00 AM -0600 - Undertaker:BATMAN , ABRAHAM LINCOLN , GODZILLA , JACKIE CHAN Y SHAQUILLE O'NEAL JUNTOS EN LA MISMA ANIMACION. Pd. Chequen que le pueden poner subtitulos (abajo a la derecha).... Ver mas

cachetitoS de manZana

Porque no hay hombre más hombre que el que ama ap... March 8, 2007 5:18 AM -0800 - blanche:Porque no hay hombre más hombre que el que ama apasionantemente a una mujer... Ver mas

Miss Neumann: Crónicas de una Histérica Adorable

Porque nunca es suficiente... March 7, 2007 10:22 AM -0800 - Miss Neumann:Porque nunca es suficiente, porque siempre se quiere y se puede màs y porque lo mio, lo mio, lo mio es ESCRIBIR... Hace algunas semanas la revista Chilango me hablo para pedirme que los apoye en su nueva plataforma de Internet que serà lanzada este... Ver mas

Miss Neumann: Crónicas de una Histérica Adorable

Porque nunca es suficiente... March 7, 2007 10:22 AM -0800 - Miss Neumann:Porque nunca es suficiente, porque siempre se quiere y se puede màs y porque lo mio, lo mio, lo mio es ESCRIBIR... Hace algunas semanas la revista Chilango me hablo para pedirme que los apoye en su nueva plataforma de Internet que serà lanzada este... Ver mas

Get Out of my Head!

Pathfinder March 8, 2007 12:07 AM -0600 - Alberto:Conquistadores es una película que había llamado mi atención desde que vi por primera vez uno de los posters promocionales, todos los cuales presentan imágenes reminiscentes del Death Dealer de Frank Frazzetta . La premisa es bastante simple: vikingos... Ver mas

Poet House By Meredith Hughes (writing, art), Sarah Shoup (writing): 1, 8 March 8, 2007 12:42 PM UTC:DC Conspiracy: Poet House is a webcomic hosted at Webcomics Nation... Ver mas

Ace Terrier by Jonathan Bogart: 010928 March 8, 2007 12:10 PM UTC:Ace Terrier, World's Greatest Plumber: Getting the bugs out.... Ver mas

The Hero of Three Faces by Paul Gadzikowski: aabr March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Paul Gadzikowski's Comics: Humor recognizing the contemporary screen action-adventure hero as the modern equivalent of the fireside oral folklore hero of all of human history up until now.... Ver mas

The Accidentals! By Michael Anthony Carroll: Accidental Hue-Men: Wrong Shui 14 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:"Car(roll)Toons" Comics by Michael Carroll: The four elements act as guardians of world justice--if they can just get along with one another. They're elemental, they're temperamental, names are four letter words!... Ver mas

Adagissimo By Rachael Scott: Weiber Donnerstag March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Rachael Scott: Three women. One Apartment. This should be good.... Ver mas

Aerobran! by aaron branowitz: the holocaust March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Aerobran!: No product contains more preservatives for your pleasure! Aerobran is the future of pre-consumed consumption! Order one today!... Ver mas

All Boxed In By Robert Canning: allboxedin095 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Flying Penguin Comics: Four out-of-work comic strip characters share a house and try their best to make their dreams come true.... Ver mas

Apocryphal Tales Laura Seabrook: Queer 01 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Who Goes Here? : Stories and ideas about life and other weird stuff: An examination of urban myths, "friend of a friend" stories - what they are and what they're saying.... Ver mas

Bellen! by box brown: More RPG fun! March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Box Brown, Satisfying All Your Comic Desires: The Adventures of Ben & Ellen.... Ver mas

Buried at the Office written and (kinda) illustrated by jim bush: Pg 5 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Blank Expression: Buried at the Office is a webcomic hosted at Webcomics Nation... Ver mas

Cat Garza Sketchbook By cayetano "naked!" garza jr.: 50 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:comics by cayetano garza jr.: random dump for random images i've made or am making... Ver mas

The Adventures of Chad Cleanly By Andrea McEnaney: Technology Has a Creamy Middle! March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:The Adventures of Chad Cleanly: All of Life is reduced to the common rubble of banality... Ver mas

A Moment of Clarity (DCC Mirror) : Page 9 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:DC Conspiracy: A Moment of Clarity (DCC Mirror) is a webcomic hosted at Webcomics Nation... Ver mas

A Moment of Clarity Volume 2 By John Bintz: Page 9 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:John Bintz's Comics: The All-Ages Comic Adventure goes high-tech! Join 11 year old John on his trip through the seedy underground of black market gumball sales.... Ver mas

Classic Fred the Clown by Roger Langridge: 20th Century Blancmange March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Comics by Roger Langridge: More Fred the Clown retreads from yesteryear!... Ver mas

Clone's Dream By Ray Dillinger: d20, 03/08 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:HOTR: It's the 27th century. Earth is a memory. FTL is a dream. And the scariest things in the solar system are things we put there.... Ver mas

Corporate Life By Lynn Amacher: The Plan March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Lynn Amacher's Comics: The misadventures of Bob and the other employees in his office. But not a everyday at the office type of comic.... Ver mas

CulturePulp by Mike Russell: The Bipolar Express March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:CulturePulp: Nov. 19, 2004: CulturePulp helps members of the Portland Cacophony Society wrap presents for the infamous drunken-Santa rampage "SantaCon."... Ver mas

The Daily Drawing By J. Sandas: Thursday, March 8 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Unreal City Comics: One picture every day, except when I forget.... Ver mas

Doomboy Por Tony Sandoval: El Sonido 2 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Calamar Comics: El nombre lo dice todo: Doomboy!... Ver mas

File 49 Book II: The Search for Lennox By Sara Turner: 01File_06 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Make Like A Tree Comics: No longer forced together for survival, our small group must now come to terms with what they mean to one another. Ultimately, what is more important?the past or the present?... Ver mas

Doctor Faust By Claus Thomsen: 34-2 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Claus Thomsen's Comics: The story about Doctor Faust and his heroic Quest to enlighten the Dark Ages..... Ver mas

Freaks N Squeeks by the Marvelous Patric: Freaks N Squeeks March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:More Marvelous: In a very special Freaks N Squeeks, Schmoikel is very honest.... Ver mas

Drug Abuse Is Fun! by Jeff Coleman: Back cover March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Progressions: Drug Abuse Is Fun! was a minicomic written and drawn by Jeff Coleman between 1993 and 1995. It's his first full comics work, including straight autobiography and bizarro road-trip science fiction.... Ver mas

Chapter 3: Battle Fields : Killing Us Softly With His Stocks March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:The Grim DotCom: Things heat up as Casey, the Devil and the Reaper all confront one another... Ver mas

Grounded Angel Created by Steve Horton (writer), Johnny Lowe (writer, letterer) and Vivi Erlanita (artist): Grounded Angel Part 5: Page 19 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Smashout Comics: Grounded Angel stars an unwitting girl named Gloria, who finds out during a really bad day that she's an angel, the herald to the end of the world.... Ver mas

Growing Up Enchanted By Jack Briglio & Alex Szewczuk: Growing Up Enchanted 4 page 16 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Too Hip Gotta Go Graphics!: Join Olianna the baby sorceress and her family & friends as she tries to learn life's mundane lessons while practicing magic in a world of giants, trolls, and dragons! 2003 Eisner Award Nominee Best title for a younger... Ver mas

Hutch Owen Daily by Tom Hart: BRAIN! March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Hutch Owen: Peanuts for the post-Enron generation.... Ver mas

Invasion Reinder Dijkhuis (script, character art), Calvin Bexfield (background art), Drooling Fan Girl and Mravac Kid (colours): Flappaflappaflap! March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Chronicles of the Witch Queen: At least Jake's mantra still works.... Ver mas

Apocalypse Whenever ? The Adventures of Joe & Bob : JB 154 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Boogaloo Comics: Apocalypse Whenever ? The Adventures of Joe & Bob is a webcomic hosted at Webcomics Nation... Ver mas

Kill'er now : 102 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Square Root Comics: Underworld, B-production cinema, porn producers, FBI agents, urban legends, conspiracies, collectors, horror fans.... Ver mas

kiosk. life in neutral By Geoff Munn: 011 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:kiosk. life in neutral: kiosk. follows the adventures, or lack there of, of employees of the Sorrow Hopes Mall in Southwestern, PA.... Ver mas

Lessons in Futility Exercised By Zackary Downey: You Feelin' Lucky? March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Crimson North Comics: You Feelin' Lucky?... Ver mas

Latoria Agonistes By Cameron and Taylor Nielsen: Secrecy March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:X8E Comics: The humorous chronicles of the eccentric citizens of Latoria, a futuristic city. Join them as they struggle with the forces of evil, the fourth wall, and those annoying laws of reality.... Ver mas

The Little Bear Who Knew Fear By Alexander Danner and Bill Duncan: Page Twelve March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:TwentySevenLetters Annex: The Little Bear Who Knew Fear, page 12 of 22.... Ver mas

Little or No Meaning by Hambot: vacuum March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:hamster wheel: a fairly accurate comic journal... Ver mas

LUMMOX by Dan Mazur: page 2 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:danmazur: The dictionary defines "lummox" as "an awkward, clumsy or stupid person," but the hero of this comic is... well, actually, the directionary might have it about right. LUMMOX: kind of sad, kind of funny... and definitely black and white.... Ver mas

Magellan by Stephen Crowley: 1.33 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:xmung comics: Fresh air!... Ver mas

Most Serene Republic By Phred: ramparts March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Phred's Comics: Simply, the word according to Phred. Updated monday through friday.... Ver mas

Mullein Fields by Dennis Hyer: m20070308 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Atlantic County Cartoons: Adventures in country living, featuring Fred and his Irish Wife!... Ver mas

Narbonic: Director's Cut By Shaenon K. Garrity: 2000-10-05 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Shaenon K. Garrity's Comics: Narbonic, rerunning with daily annotations and a weekly podcast.... Ver mas

Nekko and Joruba By Sahsha and Raymond Andrade: A simpler time March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Nekko and Joruba: The story of Joruba Valesco, a thirteen year old girl growing up in a future where genetics and technology dominate every aspect of life.... Ver mas

Felina-The Eye of the Night Art & story by Inkalill: 25A.nights March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Inq Tales -Ingalill Roesbergs comics: Rattus and Porky are being talked into a dark alley... Ver mas

No Rest for the Wicked By Andrea L. Peterson: Chapter 2, page 42 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Andrea Peterson's Comics: The Princess did find it odd that the moon should disappear in such a manner, without warning or explanation. Still, she didn?t see how it could possibly have anything to do with her, or her mysterious insomnia. But as you can... Ver mas

Phineus:Magician for Hire By Barry Linck: 5 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Phineus: Magician for Hire: Follow the tongue-in-cheek adventures of Phineus and Sara Beam as they battle the forces of evil Hell-bent on taking over the world! He's a Mage and she likes to shoot things. They hunt vampires, slay dragons, destroy zombies,... Ver mas

Prickernelious by Chris Capozzi: number020 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:twenty5footclown: When a mysterious stranger appears in a small rural community (population: 6), the town's delicate balance is upset. What are a man, a woman, a paramecium, a snowman, a little girl and a giant monster to do?... Ver mas

Laura Seabrook's Queer Stuff : Ideas and Theories (Volume 1) written & drawn by laura Seabrook: Passing 01 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Who Goes Here? : Stories and ideas about life and other weird stuff: Reprints a series that originally appeared in paper form 2001-2004 (and also includes selected Apocryphal Tales entries). A collection of comic essays on queer theory, life, and other... Ver mas

RandomComik: The Randomness Productions Webcomic By Ignacia Deflagratio & supported by Randomness Productions: 0152: Sick Boy March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:The Randomness Productions Webcomic: Ben is a bald guy with a stick-like physique. His best friends are his computer tower, his monitor and his chair. As he goes through life in his evolving house, day to day wackiness ensues.... Ver mas

Rock Garden Comics By Pat Jones: Silence of baby vegetables March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:rockgardencomics: GET IN TOUCH WITH YOUR INNER GEEZER!... Ver mas

Rumf Adventures Brought To You By Me... Mark!: Rumf Adventures 238 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:rumf adventures: Rumf Adventures#238-The insistent visitor!... Ver mas

Sacred Cows By SpiritPainter: How to Live March 08, 07 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:SpiritPainter Studios: Don't fence me in.... Ver mas

Johnny Saturn Scott Story (artist, co-writer), and Benita Story (letterer, co-writer): Installment 117 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Johnny Saturn: Johnny Saturn is the tale of a hard-bitten mystery man and his mission to hunt down and foil the plots of master terrorist, Dr. Horatio Synn. This drama is post-modern superhero crime noir at its grittiest!... Ver mas

Night Shift By A. Prosser: Physical Rex 19 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Phantasmic Tales: Late at night, in the dark, deserted passageways of the museum, the sarcophagus creaks slowly open...and THE MUMMY WALKS! Then THE MUMMY GETS SOME PIE AND GOES BACK TO BED! Come see why a bunch of inanimate objects still have a more... Ver mas

dirk's sketchbook by Dirk Tiede: Kate34 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:The Comics of Dirk Tiede: Take a peek into my sketchbooks. They go back awhile.... Ver mas

Skin Deep By Kory Bingaman: Page 5 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:The Comics of Kory Bingaman: Michelle Jocasta went to college, found an ugly necklace on the street, passed out and woke up in the forest as a big bird monster thing. Oh, and her best friend is a goat-man or something.... Ver mas

Space Goth by B. Zedan: 19 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Repotia Stories: Did you see that coming?... Ver mas

The Last Warring Angel By Jay Carvajal & Marc Borstel: tlwa 5 pg 46 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Cinemacomics: Full throttle action abounds in this story as The Last Warring Angel fights to save the world from a nuclear holocaust. PG-13 RATED... Ver mas

The Tickle Tape Stan Yan: 2007-03-08 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Squid Works Comics: The Tickle Tape is a daily cartoon created specially for traders.... Ver mas

The Wings of Change Created by Mariette Rose: page 23 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:11bane art: When the most dangerous creatures are 8 inches tall...Size matters. The Consequences of dropping old men from the sky.... Ver mas

Ursula's Sketch Blog by Ursula Murray Husted: Page-mostly finished March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Comics by Ursula Murray Husted: Process drawings, sketches, and random doodly-bits, updated Several times a week and/or as the whim hits me.... Ver mas

Zarp by James V. West: banish007 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:James V. West's Random Order Creations: Zarp has some troubles in the land of the Norg... Ver mas

Zenjeff by J. Nick Reddoch and Clayton Hollifield: The Black Unicorn, page 27 March 8, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Clayholio Comics: Zenjeff is a webcomic hosted at Webcomics Nation... Ver mas

BF Funnies By Wyldsyde!: Page 204! March 8, 2007 8:08 AM UTC:Graveyard Greg's Comics: BF Funnies is a webcomic hosted at Webcomics Nation... Ver mas

MyLifeComics By Paul Abbamondi: Journal - 66 - Kitty March 8, 2007 7:49 AM UTC:MyLifeComics: MyLifeComics is a webcomic hosted at Webcomics Nation... Ver mas

Year One By M.Parkinson: yo463 March 8, 2007 5:32 AM UTC:Snuffly-Monkey Comics: Year One is the smash hit Parody strip featuring..wait for it..Marvel characters as kids! YES! Finally! Now you can thrill to a 6 year old Wolverine! A 6 year old Spider-man and a Hulk with a weak bladder! 350 strips old and still... Ver mas

HOOD CLASSIC: Chapter 2, The Escape Written, Illustrated, and Lettered by Herbert L. Richardson Jr.: Karma's a B***** March 8, 2007 5:18 AM UTC:Arcadia Nevermind's Comics: This story entails the lives of six men from high school to college to the real world. It discusses the issues of drugs, politics, love, family, betrayal,violence, friendship and responsibilities. Drama and Karma are two of the... Ver mas

0: MOBILE PORNOGRAPHY Written by TJ Behe, Illustrated by Phil Elliott: MP Cover Page March 8, 2007 4:00 AM UTC:contraband: Follow Toby's adventures in our new "voyeur underground" where profit-hungry youths prowl city streets secretly filming violent and erotic events to satisfy society's demand for sensational on-the-go content.... Ver mas

Devil's Child Written by Chad Lewis, Illustrated by Federico Zumel: Family Business, Pg20 March 8, 2007 3:04 AM UTC:Shox Studios: Devil's Child is a webcomic hosted at Webcomics Nation... Ver mas

Etiquetas: , ,

posted by Unknown at 12:38:00 p.m. 1 comments

Cambios en Blogs del dia 7 de Marzo

Angel y Demonio.

Mis Compañeros de Consulta. March 7, 2007 1:32 AM -0300 - Angel y Demonio:Ambos estaban ahí, uno en un cajón junto con materiales de impresión y modelos de yeso ... y el otro sobre un mueble, absolutamente empolvado. Son mis nuevos compañeros de consulta. Por un lado, me parece algo triste que parte de nosotros quede por ahí... Ver Mas

La Casa del Asterión

adiós Juan Rulfo March 6, 2007 10:15 AM -0600 - ..lau..:Se termina Pedro Páramo en los paseos de martes.. Hoy toca cerrar novela y se avisará que sigue de leer. Mañana, clase de baile!! apúntense! .. seguimos con merenguito un par de semanas más por lo menos o hasta que nos salgan la vueltitas, depende de... Ver Mas

Amor Chilango

Aguas con Waters en el Foro Sol March 6, 2007 2:12 PM -0600 - Xun:Cómo llegarle al concierto de Roger Waters. Como ya debes saber (a menos que hayas estado viviendo en el otro lado de la luna), hoy se presenta Roger Waters, ex líder e integrante de Pink Floyd, en el Foro Sol. Consejos importantes: si vas a ir en auto... Ver Mas

La cita perfecta March 6, 2007 2:11 PM -0600 - Xun:“Entonces como en la biblia, al principio fue Microsoft” Joaquín López Dóriga, se persigna enfrente de Bill Gates.... Ver Mas

conejita de indias

Y SIGUE LA MATA DANDO... March 6, 2007 8:33 PM -0800 - Bridget Jo:Ah verdad. ¿Qué dijeron? Que a mi ya no me iba a pasar? ¡Pues no! Eccome qua, con un nuevo truene. Yo digo que ya hasta estoy haciendo callo en esto, cabeceo, esquivo y finalmente ¡pum! revienta. La historia es simple. El viernes pasado, el Conejito... Ver Mas

CONFUSIONES VARIAS March 6, 2007 8:32 PM -0800 - Bridget Jo:Digo, no es novedad que la Conejita se confunda, pero lo raro es que esta vez, me lo tome con tranquilidad chicha. Llevo varios días sola, sola, sola de amores. Digamos que estamos en receso de besos, empiernamientos y cariñitos varios. Y yo, tan... Ver Mas

ESO YA LO VIVÍ March 6, 2007 8:31 PM -0800 - Bridget Jo:Si siempre lo he dicho, cruzar la ciudad tan sólo para encontrarse con un ex es una de las experiencias urbanas a la que ninguna Conejilla debería someterse. Pero ahí te voy, cómo no, a las siete de la noche en pleno insurgentes para llegar a un starbucks... Ver Mas

SI HUBIERA.. March 6, 2007 8:16 PM -0800 - Bridget Jo:Desde que ví esa película, muchas veces me pregunto si mi vida hubiera cambiado radicalmente si la puerta del metro se hubiera abierto-cerrado a tiempo-destiempo. (cuántos hubiera, joder!) Pues resulta que unos minutos antes de abandonar el Puerto,... Ver Mas

escena skene

give me a little full love... March 7, 2007 4:22 AM -0600 - skene:la he escuchado mas de 7 veces seguidas... me encanta. * ya shillote, me puse de buenas, volvi a shillotear y me volvi a poner de buenas y así... " I was lying in my bed last night staring At a ceiling full of stars When it suddenly hit me I just have to... Ver Mas

yo creo que mi mama debio de haberle hecho caso a ... March 6, 2007 3:53 PM -0600 - skene:yo creo que mi mama debio de haberle hecho caso a mi abuelita cuando le dijo "cortale las manitas a esa niñita porque es muy latosa y tentona..." pero no y entonces de repente hago cosas que hacen gruñir mi panzita... nunca habia reparado en ese detalle,... Ver Mas

Reflexiones de un Hijo del Pop

De Visitantes No Distinguidos y la 5... March 6, 2007 8:39 PM -0600 - David Moreno:Seven Readers!!! Ah…la ciudad de Mérida se prepara para dos eventos: la visita de George Bush y la de Masaru Emoto . Ambos personajes tiene algo en común: son peligrosos. Uno, por su belicosidad; el otro por ser portador de un mega fraude. Uno no puede... Ver Mas

La Hoguera de las Necedades

La tienda de Banksy March 6, 2007 2:20 PM -0600 - Alberto:El artista urbano preferido de este blog tiene una tienda en su página oficial. Cito (o más bien traduzco): Todo en la tienda es gratis. Todas las imágenes pueden ser descargadas para imprimirse o usar en su escritorio. Sugerencia de uso: Las impresiones... Ver Mas

. . L A U . .

el chisme de una fiesta de 3 años March 6, 2007 5:24 PM -0600 - ..lau..:Prácticamente saqué a Aimée de la cama el sábado. Mi llegada estaba programada a las 7am pero el che bus se atrasó y llegué a las 815. Pobre Maye que llevaba desde las 7 esperándome =S Ya con la chiquilla con nosotras, Laura Tiburcio (una vieja amiga... Ver Mas

porque siempre hay más... March 6, 2007 2:12 PM -0600 - ..lau..:Falta el montonal de fotos que tomó la Lich... las que tomó Maye y más cosas que pasaron. Como la travesura de mi compadre de apagarnos el inflable para que nos bajáramos porque según él, así íbamos a ayudar a limpiar jajaja iluso pero bueh.. le dijimos a... Ver Mas

Carne de Reloj

Deducciones de nosotros los vástagos March 6, 2007 3:44 PM -0800 - maritsol:Hace dos semanas que estaba en el San Martín de ciudad Juárez cuando le platicaba a Arturo alguna de esas cosas de las que platico en ocasiones así. ARTURO: -¿Cuando cumples años?- MARITSOL: -El 28 de abril... (rayo de sabiduría 1) Y tú en septiembre... Ver Mas

Plaqueta y ya

Dos posts en uno March 7, 2007 1:57 AM -0600 - Plaqueta:1. Shine On You Crazy Diamond sonaba al fondo. ¿Y yo? Parada en un estacionamiento esperando a unos güeyes. Hasta aquí la etiqueta sería: nací para perder. Pero entonces: 2. Corrí corrí corrí y tons entré con las primeras notas de Wish You Were Here. Fum.... Ver Mas

cachetitoS de manZana

genio y figura March 6, 2007 2:34 PM -0800 - blanche:"En cada línea que escribo trato siempre, con mayor o menor fortuna, de invocar los espíritus esquivos de la poesía, y trato de dejar en cada palabra el testimonio de mi devoción por sus virtudes de adivinación, y por su permanente victoria contra los... Ver Mas

Up to Eleven

NOTICIAKings of Convenience cancelan primera fecha March 7, 2007 9:39 AM -0600 - e.:¿¡Qué dices?! ¿Teníamos show? Para aquellos que por alguna razón tenían boleto para ver a los Kings of Convenience el martes 6 de marzo y no pudieron ir, pues que suerte tienen los que no se bañan. El concierto se canceló y los organizadores aseguran que... Ver Mas

Freak U. By A. Prosser: A Matter of Summon Portents 5 March 7, 2007 12:48 PM UTC:Phantasmic Tales: Remember those zany 80s collegiate movies where Frankenstein or a genie went to college, or two randy guys developed psychokinetic powers and used them to lift girls' skirts? This is all of those movies rolled into a single comic strip.... Ver Mas

Naoko Muragama: Video Game Champion By Shaun Henderson: page 101 March 7, 2007 12:21 PM UTC:nmvgc: Naoko Muragama: Video Game Champion is a webcomic hosted at Webcomics Nation... Ver Mas

The Adventuresome Toad by Sterling Morris and Shawn Miller: Toad Must Study March 7, 2007 12:12 PM UTC:Blue House Comics: He tugged the cords and rechecked his knots. They were secure - not that he cared. "But that's suicide!" his friend cried. "To some, yes." He paused. "I just call it adventuresome." And let go.... Ver Mas

Most Serene Republic By Phred: suffer the little ones March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Phred's Comics: Simply, the word according to Phred. Updated monday through friday.... Ver Mas

Mullein Fields by Dennis Hyer: m20070307 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Atlantic County Cartoons: Adventures in country living, featuring Fred and his Irish Wife!... Ver Mas

Naivety Incarnate By Sergio: Page 28 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Naivety Incarnate: Naivety Incarnate is a webcomic hosted at Webcomics Nation... Ver Mas

Narbonic: Director's Cut By Shaenon K. Garrity: 2000-10-04 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Shaenon K. Garrity's Comics: Narbonic, rerunning with daily annotations and a weekly podcast.... Ver Mas

Nothing Better by tyler page: nb9 page 5 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:dementian comics online: Nothing Better is the story of odd-couple college roommates Katt and Jane. Katt is an atheist attending a Lutheran college because it has a good art program, while Jane, the pseudo-Christian, is beginning to question her beliefs... Ver Mas

Felina-The Eye of the Night Art & story by Inkalill: 34B.nights March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Inq Tales -Ingalill Roesbergs comics: Felina and the kids need a helper who knows the locality, and is a tad ruthless and tough... Ver Mas

No Rest for the Wicked By Andrea L. Peterson: Chapter 2, page 41 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Andrea Peterson's Comics: The Princess did find it odd that the moon should disappear in such a manner, without warning or explanation. Still, she didn?t see how it could possibly have anything to do with her, or her mysterious insomnia. But as you can... Ver Mas

Odd Jobs 4: Children of the Revolution By Tim Broderick: Page 16 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Someday, All Jobs will be Odd Jobs: "Children of the Revolution" continues!... Ver Mas

THE DYNAMIC DARK NEBULA! by Tad P. (writer) and Shane Foley (artist): NIGHTMARE! March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:The Dynamic DARK NEBULA!: THE DYNAMIC DARK NEBULA! is a webcomic hosted at Webcomics Nation... Ver Mas

Phineus:Magician for Hire By Barry Linck: 4 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Phineus: Magician for Hire: Follow the tongue-in-cheek adventures of Phineus and Sara Beam as they battle the forces of evil Hell-bent on taking over the world! He's a Mage and she likes to shoot things. They hunt vampires, slay dragons, destroy zombies,... Ver Mas

Pint of Ink Illustrated Amusements by Dee Hews: Vox Populi (2) March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Bitterenders Comix: A Cornucopia of Comicky Goodness... Ver Mas

Prickernelious by Chris Capozzi: number019 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:twenty5footclown: When a mysterious stranger appears in a small rural community (population: 6), the town's delicate balance is upset. What are a man, a woman, a paramecium, a snowman, a little girl and a giant monster to do?... Ver Mas

Rathskellar Mari Miniatt (writing), Matt Miniatt (art): page 5 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:miniattas: Who can do that?... Ver Mas

Rock Garden Comics By Pat Jones: Chicken clones March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:rockgardencomics: GET IN TOUCH WITH YOUR INNER GEEZER!... Ver Mas

dirk's sketchbook by Dirk Tiede: Kate24 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:The Comics of Dirk Tiede: Take a peek into my sketchbooks. They go back awhile.... Ver Mas

SMILE (A Dental Drama) by Raina Telgemeier: smile page 88 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Raina Telgemeier's Comics: After a few months away from the computer, SMILE is back!!... Ver Mas

Sorcerer of Fortune By Mike W. Barr & Dario Carrasco Jr. with Jim Keplinger: Cover March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Panday Studio Presents: When magical forces are real, men make it their business to control those forces. One such man is Rex Icarus, Practical Wizard and resident of the City of Fortune.... Ver Mas

The Bare Pit by Noodtoonist: Enchanted 43 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:The Bare Pit: Allergic!... Ver Mas

The Last Warring Angel By Jay Carvajal & Marc Borstel: tlwa 5 pg 45 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Cinemacomics: Full throttle action abounds in this story as The Last Warring Angel fights to save the world from a nuclear holocaust. PG-13 RATED... Ver Mas

The Tickle Tape Stan Yan: 2007-03-07 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Squid Works Comics: The Tickle Tape is a daily cartoon created specially for traders.... Ver Mas

Tribute by Henrik Rehr: tribute10 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:REHR: A tribute... Ver Mas

The Wings of Change Created by Mariette Rose: page 22 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:11bane art: When the most dangerous creatures are 8 inches tall...Size matters. The Consequences of dropping old men from the sky.... Ver Mas

Ursula's Sketch Blog by Ursula Murray Husted: A finished page! March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Comics by Ursula Murray Husted: Process drawings, sketches, and random doodly-bits, updated Several times a week and/or as the whim hits me.... Ver Mas

The Magic Whistle By Sam Henderson: The Groucho Duck, part 9 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:The Magic Whistle: The Magic Whistle is a webcomic hosted at Webcomics Nation... Ver Mas

One Hundred and One Views of Mount Fuji By Cameron Nielsen: Stone Sunset March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:X8E Comics: A comic entirely about the beautiful view. And trying out new art techniques.... Ver Mas

The Hero of Three Faces by Paul Gadzikowski: aabq March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Paul Gadzikowski's Comics: Humor recognizing the contemporary screen action-adventure hero as the modern equivalent of the fireside oral folklore hero of all of human history up until now.... Ver Mas

The Accidentals! By Michael Anthony Carroll: Accidental Hue-Men: Wrong Shui 13 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:"Car(roll)Toons" Comics by Michael Carroll: The four elements act as guardians of world justice--if they can just get along with one another. They're elemental, they're temperamental, names are four letter words!... Ver Mas

ACHALA Team Brown: Achala #1 p49 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Hammock Entertainment inc.: Jinho is a below-average-Joe bullied senseless on a daily basis--that is, until ACHALA, the arch demi-god worrior, the protector of the kingdom of Buddha becomes his guiding spirit! But can the heavens stand against the army of... Ver Mas

Aerobran! by aaron branowitz: laka March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Aerobran!: No product contains more preservatives for your pleasure! Aerobran is the future of pre-consumed consumption! Order one today!... Ver Mas

American Gothic Daily written and illustrated by Skyclad Strega: shower March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Skyclad Strega's Comics: Witches, vampires, werewolves, shifters and other supernaturals live in the countryside of Tennessee, trying to carve out a normal life, but nothing is normal when you aren't "normal".... Ver Mas

All Boxed In By Robert Canning: allboxedin094 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Flying Penguin Comics: Four out-of-work comic strip characters share a house and try their best to make their dreams come true.... Ver Mas

Alma Mater By Whitney June Robinson: #81 - Hypoblogria March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Alma Mater - A Comic About a Girls' School: Alma Mater is a comic about an all-girls' secondary school, from the point of view of five sixth graders.... Ver Mas

Ars Moriendi : To Be Concluded March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:The Grim DotCom: Loose jokes about deaths worth mentioning and the Reaper throughout the ages... Ver Mas

The Dictator (danish version) Af Claus Thomsen: b-162 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Claus Thomsen's Comics: The Dictator (danish version) is a webcomic hosted at Webcomics Nation... Ver Mas

Bellen! by box brown: D-20 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Box Brown, Satisfying All Your Comic Desires: The Adventures of Ben & Ellen.... Ver Mas

The Adventures of Blind Man and Seeing Eye Boy By Ben "Hero" Ward and Melissa "Knight" Reynolds: robbery5 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:hero: The general antics of "super" hero Blind Man, with his "trusty" sidekick Seeing Eye Boy. They fight for truth, honour, justice, and other delightful things!... Ver Mas

Buried at the Office written and (kinda) illustrated by jim bush: Pg 4 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Blank Expression: Buried at the Office is a webcomic hosted at Webcomics Nation... Ver Mas

Cat Garza Sketchbook By cayetano "naked!" garza jr.: 49 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:comics by cayetano garza jr.: random dump for random images i've made or am making... Ver Mas

The Adventures of Chad Cleanly By Andrea McEnaney: WakeUp Call March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:The Adventures of Chad Cleanly: All of Life is reduced to the common rubble of banality... Ver Mas

Classic Fred the Clown by Roger Langridge: Just A Couple of Dummies March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Comics by Roger Langridge: More Fred the Clown retreads from yesteryear!... Ver Mas

Corporate Life By Lynn Amacher: Back to Work March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Lynn Amacher's Comics: The misadventures of Bob and the other employees in his office. But not a everyday at the office type of comic.... Ver Mas

CulturePulp by Mike Russell: The Wheel of Fogatron March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:CulturePulp: Nov. 5, 2004: CulturePulp hangs out with beatbox artist Fogatron -- who creates an impromptu theme song for this comic strip.... Ver Mas

Dangerous and Fluffy: The Sheep of Doom by Adam Cuerden, Jeroen Jager, and Timmerryn Brand: Death and Doom in Ploverleigh March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Dangerous and Fluffy: The Sheep of Doom: A village sentences an innocent saleswizard to death! Can this be stopped, and Alexis put in his place? Can this narration be made to deal more than tangentally with the comic itself? Who can say?... Ver Mas

The Daily Drawing By J. Sandas: Wednesday, March 7 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Unreal City Comics: One picture every day, except when I forget.... Ver Mas

The Dictator By Claus Thomsen: d-162 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Claus Thomsen's Comics: A Comic Strip about the President of Costa Banana and his bumpy road to greatness..... Ver Mas

The Disc By Jay Carvajal: Disc page 01 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Cinemacomics: The Disc containing all the incriminating evidence on the Administration has been taken. They will do whatever it takes to get it back before their secrets are exposed. MATURE RATED... Ver Mas

Dorm Dorks By Mike Hankins: The Sound of Subtlety March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Hankinstien Studios: What lows will Chuck and Bob sink to, in order to avoid participating in Dorm Fire Drills?... Ver Mas

Family Man by Dylan Meconis: Chapter One, Page 53 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Quirkybird Comics: A young scholar discovers that he's not out of the woods yet.... Ver Mas

Freaks N Squeeks by the Marvelous Patric: Freaks N Squeeks March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:More Marvelous: In a very special Freaks N Squeeks, it's the Marvelous Patric's birthday!... Ver Mas

Drug Abuse Is Fun! by Jeff Coleman: Page 8 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Progressions: Drug Abuse Is Fun! was a minicomic written and drawn by Jeff Coleman between 1993 and 1995. It's his first full comics work, including straight autobiography and bizarro road-trip science fiction.... Ver Mas

Chapter 3: Battle Fields : Some Light Humour March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:The Grim DotCom: Things heat up as Casey, the Devil and the Reaper all confront one another... Ver Mas

Grounded Angel Created by Steve Horton (writer), Johnny Lowe (writer, letterer) and Vivi Erlanita (artist): Grounded Angel Part 5: Page 18 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Smashout Comics: Grounded Angel stars an unwitting girl named Gloria, who finds out during a really bad day that she's an angel, the herald to the end of the world.... Ver Mas

Hutch Owen Daily by Tom Hart: Naked March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Hutch Owen: Peanuts for the post-Enron generation.... Ver Mas

Invasion Reinder Dijkhuis (script, character art), Calvin Bexfield (background art), Drooling Fan Girl and Mravac Kid (colours): Sky Is Red, I don't understand... March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Chronicles of the Witch Queen: All hell breaks loose in Dungill Fens... Ver Mas

Kitty Litter By Ryan Holgersen and Nathan Brewer: 334 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:crabgrasscomix: Kitty Litter is the story of a little black and white cat who just happens to be an evil genius. Watch as she destroys the lives of Ryan and Nathan and just about anyone she encounters.... Ver Mas

Lessons in Futility Exercised By Zackary Downey: Conform! March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Crimson North Comics: Conform!... Ver Mas

Latoria Agonistes By Cameron and Taylor Nielsen: Who did it March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:X8E Comics: The humorous chronicles of the eccentric citizens of Latoria, a futuristic city. Join them as they struggle with the forces of evil, the fourth wall, and those annoying laws of reality.... Ver Mas

The Local Haunt by Kevin Wind: TLH#34 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:The Local Haunt: The Local Haunt - A Comic Strip: Good vs. Evil, Saints and Heathens, Rock Music, Soda Pop, and Perhaps Redemption. You won't know till you're in the know. I recommend you give it a shot.... Ver Mas

Little or No Meaning by Hambot: Dishes March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:hamster wheel: a fairly accurate comic journal... Ver Mas

Magellan by Stephen Crowley: 1.32 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:xmung comics: Feeling useless... Ver Mas

Maxwell the Demon by Tonia Walden: Hallelujah - Page Three March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Tonia's Comics: The third page of the "Hallelujah" story... Ver Mas

Monstar- The Webcomic! By Jacen Carpenter. Fonts by Blambot.: M54 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:Monstar Mash: Monstar is the living embodiment of "jealousy". Bunnee is the anthromorphic personification of "dumb luck". They have adventures. What, you want me to draw you a picture?... Ver Mas

Sacred Cows By SpiritPainter: World March 07, 07 March 7, 2007 12:00 PM UTC:SpiritPainter Studios: Have it all figured out, do you?... Ver Mas

Danila the Communist Bunny written and illustrated by Sul V.: Welcome Home - page 9 March 7, 2007 8:14 AM UTC:sul: The trouble really started when the UFO cult upstairs animated that goddamn stuffed rabbit. Really, the tyrannical reign of the USNH's President was peanuts compared to that. Updates Wednesdays and Saturdays.... Ver Mas

MyLifeComics By Paul Abbamondi: Journal - 65 - ComicCon4 March 7, 2007 7:39 AM UTC:MyLifeComics: MyLifeComics is a webcomic hosted at Webcomics Nation... Ver Mas

Ataxia Overdrive Evan Keeling: SamPLE3 March 7, 2007 6:38 AM UTC:DC Conspiracy: Ataxia Overdrive is a webcomic hosted at Webcomics Nation... Ver Mas

The Knights of Dor 5: Emperor Overall Art & story by Inkalill: 13emperor March 7, 2007 6:06 AM UTC:Inq Tales -Ingalill Roesbergs comics: The Knights of Dor discovers smoke...campfires from other outlaws! But Hazel and Thyme´ll take a look at them before they eventually make contact.... Ver Mas

Laura Seabrook's Queer Stuff : Ideas and Theories (Volume 1) written & drawn by laura Seabrook: Apocryphal Tales 01 March 7, 2007 5:18 AM UTC:Who Goes Here? : Stories and ideas about life and other weird stuff: Reprints a series that originally appeared in paper form 2001-2004 (and also includes selected Apocryphal Tales entries). A collection of comic essays on queer theory, life, and other... Ver Mas

The Chronicles of William Bazillion by Andrew Farago: Chapter 2, page 48 March 7, 2007 5:15 AM UTC:Andrew Farago's Comics: The Chronicles of William Bazillion is a webcomic hosted at Webcomics Nation... Ver Mas

Apocryphal Tales Laura Seabrook: Intro 01 March 7, 2007 5:10 AM UTC:Who Goes Here? : Stories and ideas about life and other weird stuff: An examination of urban myths, "friend of a friend" stories - what they are and what they're saying.... Ver Mas

Surviving Mars By Brian Daniel: No Call March 7, 2007 4:06 AM UTC:Brian Daniel's Comics: ?Mars: a desolate, sub-zero, near-lifeless wasteland. Home to the scum of the solar system and countless, inhuman thugs. Only people with the worst run of luck would ever want to live there. Of course, those of us born here didn?t... Ver Mas

Yossarian by David Stroup: Yos-hunting_trip-16 March 7, 2007 3:38 AM UTC:David Stroup's Comics: Journalism, parenthood, politics, video games, pop culture, mad science, and bigfoots. Bigfeet? Yossarian has been running, in one form or another, for over two decades.... Ver Mas

Flickerflame By Al Schroeder: Playing with Fire: 17 March 7, 2007 3:34 AM UTC:Flickerflame: Blood Oath... Ver Mas

Year One By M.Parkinson: YO 462 March 7, 2007 3:31 AM UTC:Snuffly-Monkey Comics: Year One is the smash hit Parody strip featuring..wait for it..Marvel characters as kids! YES! Finally! Now you can thrill to a 6 year old Wolverine! A 6 year old Spider-man and a Hulk with a weak bladder! 350 strips old and still... Ver Mas

eekeemoo By Willy MJ: page_08 March 7, 2007 3:13 AM UTC:willymj: join eekeemoo and yum yum on their quest to the sacred mountains... Ver Mas

Nitroglycerin By Kevin Church & Benjamin Birdie: Nitroglycerin #40 March 7, 2007 2:44 AM UTC:! Pass: In today's installment, chilling realizations.... Ver Mas

Mohawk Assassin's Guild : mag - page 1 March 7, 2007 2:14 AM UTC:pirate_yoyo: Mohawk Assassin's Guild is a webcomic hosted at Webcomics Nation... Ver Mas

Nocturnal Essence Written by Lance Stahlberg and Danika Kenn: Issue 3 page 23 March 7, 2007 2:09 AM UTC:Rogue Wolf Comics: Urban action adventure meets supernatural noir set to a Gothic soundtrack. A prophecy threatens to break the uneasy peace between Vampires, Werewolves, and Magi. Chicago will never be the same.... Ver Mas

Ace Terrier by Jonathan Bogart: 010927 March 7, 2007 1:59 AM UTC:Ace Terrier, World's Greatest Plumber: Getting the bugs out.... Ver Mas

One of a Hundred by Marc Joyce: page027 March 7, 2007 1:31 AM UTC:Bugskippy Comics: Luke 15:1-7 - a widower searches for his place.... Ver Mas



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